August 23, 2024 When your period is late, depending on your circumstances, it can bring a mix of emotions and questions. The first step is to stay calm, as stress can significantly affect your menstrual cycle. Reflect on any recent changes in your life, such as increased stress, dietary shifts, or a new exercise routine, as these factors can also contribute to a delayed period. However, it’s never too late to test. At The Legacy Center, we offer free, lab-quality pregnancy tests so you can get the answers you’re seeking. Contact us to schedule a confidential appointment. Why Am I Late? If you are using birth control, consider whether you have missed any pills or changed your method, as this can sometimes delay your period. Reviewing your cycle history can also provide insights; if your cycle is typically irregular, a late period might not be unusual for you. Missing a period is the most significant indicator of pregnancy, but you can track any other symptoms you may be experiencing, such as breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, or frequent urination. These symptoms can be indicative of pregnancy or other hormonal changes. Taking A Test Home pregnancy tests, which are readily available at pharmacies, are most accurate after the first day of a missed period. Ideally, you’ll want to take this test in the morning, which is when your body has the highest concentration of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Follow the instructions carefully. If the result is positive or if you have doubts, it’s always good to follow up with a retest. Get Free And Confidential Support The Legacy Center is here to provide you with support if you think you may be pregnant. Visit us for a free test, even if you’ve tested at home, to ensure accurate results. If the result is positive, we can take you through pregnancy counseling so you can get informed on all your pregnancy options, and we can refer you to other resources and support. Make an appointment today.