How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

When faced with the possibility of pregnancy, a pregnancy test can provide the clarity you need.  But how do these tests work? Understanding how they work can help unravel other mysteries, such as what type to use and when they’re most accurate. You can receive free lab-quality pregnancy testing at The Legacy Center. Contact us

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When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

If you’re sexually active, there’s always a possibility of pregnancy. If your period is late, you might wonder when the best time to take a pregnancy test is. Taking it too early or incorrectly might lead to a false result, meaning you may need to test again.  In this blog, we’ll provide essential information about

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My Period is Late. What Do I Do?

When your period is late, depending on your circumstances, it can bring a mix of emotions and questions. The first step is to stay calm, as stress can significantly affect your menstrual cycle. Reflect on any recent changes in your life, such as increased stress, dietary shifts, or a new exercise routine, as these factors

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